FFmpeg for Android

FFmpeg can be built for android using the termux ffmpeg package.

Prerequisites : git, docker

git clone git@github.com:termux/termux-packages.git
cd termux-packages

create a file build-ffmpeg.sh with below content

export TERMUX_ARCH=arm
export TERMUX_PREFIX=/data/youtubedl-android/usr
export TERMUX_ANDROID_HOME=/data/youtubedl-android/home
./build-package.sh ffmpeg

Make file executable

chmod +x ./build-ffmpeg.sh

Build Package

./scripts/run-docker.sh ./build-ffmpeg.sh

This will create several .deb files in debs/ directory. debs/*dev*.deb debs can be safely removed as we don’t need them.

The ffmpeg zip archive as used in youtubedl-android can be created using the following commands.

cd debs
find . -type f -exec dpkg-deb -xv {} . \;
cd data/youtubedl-android
# fix broken symlinks if exists in usr/bin/
rm -rf usr/share/man
zip -r /tmp/ffmpeg_arm.zip usr/